Panic attacks are terrifying, and they strike without warning, leaving you feeling like you’re about to die and bringing intense fear, dizziness, nausea, sweating, and other unpleasant physical symptoms. The fear of another attack is almost constant if you have panic disorder. You live in a state of unease and dread that another panic attack will strike any moment. This makes everyday activities nerve-wracking — even regular tasks like grocery shopping or driving a car can be overwhelming for someone with panic disorder.

Fortunately, natural ways to manage panic attacks may help reduce their frequency or intensity when they happen. CBD vape oil for panic disorder might be one of them. To understand more about whether CBD vape oil for panic attacks could be helpful for your anxiety and panic attacks, keep reading.

What Is A Panic Attack, And How Is It Caused?

Panic attacks can be very frightening. When they occur, you might think you lose control over yourself or have a heart attack. A panic attack is a sudden episode of intense fear accompanied by reactions, such as sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, or a pounding heart, even though there is no real danger or apparent cause. Physical symptoms include a rapid, fluttering, or pounding heart, sweating, trembling, shortness of breath, heavy breathing (hyperventilation), nausea, dizziness or lightheadedness, tingling or numbing sensations in the hands and feet, chest pain, and stomach pain. You may also experience feelings of unreality (derealization) or being detached from yourself (depersonalization). 

Causes: The exact cause of panic attacks and panic disorder is unknown. The panic disorder seems to run in families, but no one knows why some family members develop the disease while others don’t. It’s also unclear why panic disorder occurs in some people after a stressful event and not in others. Researchers aren’t sure whether panic attacks are caused by psychological factors, physical factors, a combination of both, or other factors. They also aren’t sure if specific environmental triggers play a role in the development of panic disorder. More research is needed to identify the causes of panic disorder.

panic disorder

Source: Freepik

Is CBD Vape Oil Effective For Anxiety and Panic Attacks?

CBD vape oil might help reduce anxiety, improve mood, and promote relaxation and feelings of calmness. Using CBD vape oil for fear is also safe and non-addictive. Other anxiety medications, like benzodiazepines, can be addictive. In one study, a group of people with chronic anxiety were given either CBD or a placebo for 14 days. The group that received CBD reported a significant decrease in the frequency as well as the intensity of their anxiety.

How Does CBD Vape Oil Help With Panic Disorder?

CBD vape oil may help to reduce anxiety, which can reduce panic attacks in individuals with panic disorder. A 2002 study discovered that CBD vape oil could lower stress levels in individuals with a history of drug abuse or who are susceptible to drug abuse. Therefore, using CBD vape juice as a supplement for panic disorder may be beneficial. Additionally, if you are already taking medication for your panic disorder and experiencing panic attacks, CBD vape oil may be used to help decrease your reliance on those drugs. It has been found to decrease the number and severity of panic attacks. CBD vape oil may work by impacting the reactions of your brain and nervous system to anxiety-provoking and panic-inducing stimuli, including those that may occur during panic disorder.

CBD vape oil

Source: Freepik

Pros Of Using CBD Vape Oil For Panic Attacks

– Decrease the intensity and frequency of panic attacks

– May help lower your dependence on drug therapy

– Promotes relaxation, calmness, and a sense of well-being

– Helps to keep anxiety at bay

– Easy to administer and low maintenance

– Safe and non-addictive

– A natural, herbal remedy

– Helps reduce the symptoms of other anxiety disorders

– Can be used alongside other treatments


CBD vape oil could be a viable solution if you frequently experience panic attacks. It’s a safe, natural, inexpensive, and non-addictive alternative that may also aid in managing of panic disorders. It’s important to have a conversation with your doctor about using CBD to ensure it’s the best course of action for you. If you’re considering trying CBD vape oil, it’s crucial to do your research and select a product that suits your needs.